
Am I a Good Candidate for Zerona?

Zerona Z6 is a non-invasive fat loss treatment that can help you start your journey to getting the body you want. This cosmetic treatment is safe for most people to use, but it’s helpful to know if it’ll work for you. Understand the ideal candidate for Zerona to help you determine whether it’s the right treatment option for you and your lifestyle.

How Does Zerona Work?

The Zerona Z6 laser uses low-level stimulation to disrupt your fat cells’ membranes. This treatment shrinks fat cells instead of killing them, keeping your body’s tissues intact. Fat cells are essential for daily activities and bodily function. Instead of getting rid of them like other treatment methods, Zerona Z6 safely punctures them and allows them to empty into the lymphatic system and leave the body. As a result, you can have lean, healthy fat cells in your body that perform as they should.

If you want to invest in this fat loss procedure, you’ll attend six 40-minute sessions in two weeks. For best results, talk to your Zerona provider about customized treatment packages.

  • You lay on a table underneath six adjustable heads that glide above and treat the targeted parts of the body at the same time.
  • The heads send lasers into the fat cells beneath the treatment area, which causes them to release water, fatty acids and glycerol into the body.
  • The fatty liquids drain out of the cell and naturally flush out of your body through the lymphatic system.

Will Zerona Work for Me?

Zerona is an effective way to lose fat and help boost your wellness journey. Your results may vary based on your medical history and the targeted parts of the body. Since Zerona empties cells instead of destroying them, there’s a possibility the cells can store fat in the future. You’ll only get lasting results with a balanced diet and regular exercise, burning more calories than you ingest.

Zerona Z6 reduces the size of your fat cells instead of eliminating them like other procedures, such as liposuction or fat freezing (Cryolipolysis). Killing fat cells only temporarily helps you reach your fat loss goal until they regenerate and come back larger in the next year. Your body produces even more fat cells to compensate for what you lost. The non-invasive Zerona treatment has the potential to produce better results than invasive methods.

Is Zerona Safe?


For most people, Zerona is safe and effective with no pain. As an FDA-cleared treatment for safety and efficacy, Zerona can help you lose fat and start a healthy lifestyle. This non-invasive fat loss treatment comes with the following benefits:

  • No anesthesia: Since you’re awake during the whole procedure, you don’t need to take anesthesia or any medications. You can eat and drink before your procedure and recover quickly.
  • No bandages: Zerona Z6 treatment is free of incisions on your body. As a result, you can walk out of the procedure without bandages or instructions for care.
  • No adverse effects on the skin: Unlike other fat loss procedures, Zerona doesn’t cause bruising or swelling on the skin. As a laser treatment, it doesn’t involve incisions to remove fat cells from your body.
  • No downtime: As a non-invasive fat loss procedure, it results in minimal side effects and requires no downtime. You won’t have to request off from work or take time out of your busy schedule to recover. With Zerona, you can continue your daily activities immediately after treatment. You can even schedule treatment during a lunch break and make it back to work on time.

Zerona treatments result in no known side effects. However, you may want to discuss this treatment with your doctor if you’re pregnant or have a liver or lymphatic system disease. These medical conditions could produce adverse side effects from this fat loss procedure.

This treatment is relaxing for most clients. All you need to do is lay on your back for 20 minutes, flip over and lay on your front for 20 minutes. During this time, you can relax, bring a book or play a game on your phone while you wait for the lasers to shrink the fat cells in your body. You’ll find this fat loss procedure to be less intimidating than other treatment methods because there is virtually no set-up time for the treatment and the lasers do not make direct contact with your body.

Am I a Good Candidate for Zerona?

You’re a good candidate for Zerona treatment if you want to start a healthy lifestyle but need help stimulating fat loss. You’d most benefit from this fat loss procedure if you:

  • Are over the age of 50: You might find it difficult to lose weight because of your activity level, age or metabolism. Zerona Z6 can efficiently get rid of that stubborn fat. But this treatment is also suitable for those under the age of 50.
  • Have kids at home or work full time: It might be challenging to lose weight if you work and take care of the kids, leaving little time for exercise or preparing healthy meals. You can easily fit Zerona treatment into your busy schedule.
  • Want to detox your body: You’d be a great candidate for Zerona if you’re committed to getting rid of the chemicals in your body. Fat cells store pollutants that cause inflammation and metabolic disorders. Zerona empties the fat cells in your body of these contaminants.
  • Are interested in body contouring: Zerona focuses more on body contouring than weight loss. If you already have an active lifestyle and some parts of your body are resistant to your diet and exercise efforts, Zerona treatments can help you get the look you want.
  • Want a non-invasive treatment: You may be close to your ideal figure and have been unsuccessful at losing fat through exercising and eating a balanced diet. Instead of getting surgery or liposuction, you may want a simple, non-invasive fat loss procedure to help you get back on your feet sooner.

To take advantage of all the benefits Zerona treatment has to offer, you’ll need to commit to attending at least six 40-minute sessions.

Find a Provider Near You for Zerona Treatment

If you’ve decided that Zerona treatment is safe and effective for your fat loss journey, look for a specialist near you. Since this procedure doesn’t require any downtime, you can easily fit it into your schedule and get back to your daily activities as soon as possible. You can also reach out to us online or call us at 877-699-3766 if you have specific questions about our treatment methods.

Last Updated on May 17, 2021 by zerona

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